Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Love vs. lust
Romeo loves Juliet and does not lust her becuase he says "my only love sprung from my only hate" He loves her for who she is and truly loves her he even died because he didn't want to live without her.

Passion and violence go hand in hand
One of Tybalt's passion is to bring violence to people. Tybalt dies because he killed Mercutio and romeo gets mad so he kills Tybalt. "He is already dead; stabbed with a white;wench's black eye; Run through the ear with a love-song; the very PIN of his heart cleft with  the blind Bow-Boy's Butt-Shaft;" His death was soon to come if his behaviour was like that because he was risking his life every time he started a fight.

1 comment:

  1. Love and Lust - that quotation was said by Juliet not Romeo.

    Passion and Violence - You quotation has nothing to do with Tybalt's death. It is from the scene where they are discussing that Roemo has been blinded by love.

    I commend you for your efforts. If you would like to repost these so that they are correct please email me to let me know!
